Columbia County Bread to present at International Symposium

Douglas Michael, founder and owner of Ben Franklin client Columbia County Bread & Granola, Danville, has been selected to present at the 2021 International Symposium on Bread. The theme, “On The Rise,” focuses on the future of bread, and the event will feature presentations by bakers, chefs, and baking industry executives.

The symposium will be presented  virtually. According to symposium host, Peter Reinhart, this will generate a worldwide audience.

Reinhart, a noted baker and author of multiple best-selling books on the art of baking bread including, The Bread Bakers Apprentice, tapped Michael to give a presentation after sampling Columbia County Bread’s unique sprouted grain breads, pitas, and pizza crusts.

Reinhart has said that sprouted is the future of bread, and that Columbia County Bread’s process of sprouted sourdough makes it unique in the marketplace. According to Reinhart, Douglas Michael is “a recognized thought leader and innovator in the field of baking with living, sprouted grains.” Much of this year’s symposium will focus on the increasing consumer interest in sprouted grain breads. Michael’s participation will be key to understanding the benefits of Columbia County Bread’s unique line of sprouted grain breads, pitas and crackers.

Michael’s presentation will not only delve into CCB&G’s process, but also explore its rapid growth and recent innovations that have positioned the bakery to capture an emerging market of individual consumers, restaurants, and institutions that are seeking wholesome, digestible bread options. Michael’s presentation is scheduled for August 9.



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