Phoebe Allentown Health Care Center is the first long-term care community to install a cutting-edge, medical-grade air purification system from Ben Franklin client LifeAire Systems as part of a double-blind research study performed on site.
The outcomes from the research study were overwhelmingly positive for the long-term care setting. The AAPT reduced the levels of infectious airborne and surface pathogens by 89.1% and 88.9%, respectively, and the levels of VOCs by 90.2%. It was also found that airborne and surface pathogens constitute a significant source of infection, and that VOCs negatively impact residents with compromised respiratory systems, like those who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
“This system is truly a game-changer for the health and well-being of seniors who live in congregant settings, and the overall operations of any skilled nursing health care center,” said Sue Schlener, Executive Director, Phoebe Allentown. “The Phoebe staff, including the leadership team, were blown away by the outcomes of the research.” The cascading effects of lowering infection for seniors living in a long-term care setting are dramatic.