Salvatore J. Salamone, Ph.D., CEO of BFTP client Saladax Biomedical, received the prestigious Dr. C.E. Pippenger Award at the 2021 International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT) annual meeting in Rome, Italy. This award is given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM). TDM is a field of medical science that seeks to ensure that patients receive a personalized dose of drugs to achieve an optimum therapeutic result. Unfortunately, many medications, such as anticancer, antibiotics, and antifungal treatments, have severe toxicities when overdosed and are ineffective when underdosed. TDM seeks to ensure that the patient receives enough drug to treat the condition but not too much to cause toxicities and potentially death.
Dr. Salamone received this award for his contributions to TDM in oncology. He began his work in TDM of anticancer drugs after personally witnessing the adverse reactions caused by toxicity during chemotherapy treatment of family members. He made it his goal that no patient should ever be given anticancer drugs without TDM to ensure proper dosing. Read more. Via LVEC